Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fun Stuff

Just so everyone knows... My mom put me in charge of the blog.
I am i pretty fairy. That is me and my friend at our school play being pretty little fairies.

I was also in a community play. I made a bunch of new fiends and even some of my old friends were in it too. I really do love to sing and act!

Dance Time!!!

Me and my dance buddies pulling a face for the camera :) 'Cause we're cool like that!
Kick line!!! That competition sucked! The stage couldn't fit all of my group on it, so we had to do the dance the other direction. I almost fell off.

My mom said she thought this one was neat.........Really?

Our trip to Hawaii.

This is a blue storm. My mom took the picture and played around with the color schemes. This was off the coast of Maui, in March of '08. we had a very fun time.
That is a pirture of a whale, in case you didn't know that. This was once again off of the coast of Maui. We all went out on a whale watching boat ride. It was so fun!!!

No this is not my mom... I promise. I think this is soooooooooo CREEPY!!! It's an eel. This was taken at an aquarium in Hawaii. There were other kinds of eels, too, like worm eels. Those would sink into the sand at the bottom of the tank and stay vertical the whole time, then come out every now and then, still staying verticle. they really did look worms except not horizotal... I didn't want to use the word "vertical" again.